Goodbye Gene
Volunteer Gene has gone back to the USA 🙁
Gene was with us nearly every Friday afternoon for the last six months — one of the best.
Volunteer Gene has gone back to the USA 🙁
Gene was with us nearly every Friday afternoon for the last six months — one of the best.
Special thanks to volunteers Cliff, Jacqueline, Miriam and Tina from Digital Realty, FCA, MJ Mapp and Willis Towers Watson via Benefacto – plus regular volunteers Derek, Gene, Margaret, Michael and Tom.
Special thanks to volunteers Andy, Eliza, Jamie, Kathryn and Sarah Jane from Informa and Lexis Nexis via Benefacto – plus regular volunteers Derek, Gene, Margaret, Michael and Tom.
We broke our attendance record — 39 people!
Special thanks to volunteers Gary, Jaspal, John, Richard and Tracy from Legg Mason via Benefacto – plus regular volunteers Derek, Michael, Molly, Ram, Sol and Tom.
As an added activity, we asked everybody to complete the BBC Loneliness Experiment survey, and to test the new Skype number for the podcast. It was impossible to count the successes, but it kept everybody busy.
Special thanks to volunteers James and Terence from Baringa via Benefacto – plus our regular volunteers Michael and Tom.
Full and very busy — a perfect match for our remarkable volunteer team.
Special thanks to volunteers Astrid (Mace Group), Eugene (Aecom) and Robert (Informa) via Benefacto – plus our regular volunteers Charlie, Derek, Michael and Tom.
We thought the session would be quieter than usual because a clashing event had drawn away some of our regulars. But we were almost overwhelmed by the number of people who did turn up. We can’t claim it was the highest attendance yet because we lost count after 30. Read more “What we did – 22 November 2017”
Having started my day with a hearty breakfast I made from home to the Whitmore Community Centre.
Having been welcomed by Sally and introduced to Rick upon my arrival I was introduced to Hyacinth whom I am helping to write her blog.
Ben and Kirsty arranged their volunteering on the Benefacto website.